When Little Hands Take on Big Challenges: The Importance of Hand Care for Young Athletes

When we think about hand care, we often focus on our own needs in the gym and neglect to think of our family or friends. How often do you check in on your buddy's hands after a tough workout? Probably not very often. Hand care usually comes up only when it’s too late—when your friend’s hands are already thrashed, and all you can do is offer advice for next time.

I recently had a wake-up call on this front with my 8-year-old daughter, Mylee. Typically, I wouldn't think much about a child experiencing callus rips, so I never felt it necessary to teach her proper hand care. Mylee has developed a passion for rock climbing—a sport I’m not very familiar with—so my understanding of its challenges was limited. When she came home complaining about her sore hands, I would share my own experiences as a CrossFit athlete and coach of twelve years, reassuring her that the pain is part of the journey and that calluses will toughen up over time.

However, everything changed when I watched her climb. Each time she descended, she would inspect her hands, wincing in discomfort. One moment, she was smiling, and the next, she was sprinting toward me in tears, her hand sporting a massive rip. The look of fear and pain on her face struck me hard; I felt guilty for not preparing her for the possibility of injury. My attempt to lighten the moment with the “callus rips mean you’re getting better” line only emphasized how unprepared we were. I realized that I should have equipped her with the knowledge to prevent this from happening in the first place.

Fortunately, I knew exactly what to do to help her heal. Enter SandBar Salve! This amazing product is perfect for treating abrasions caused by any physical activity. It’s 100% natural and packed with anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, and anti-bacterial properties, making it suitable for all ages. We applied the salve multiple times a day to seal and heal her wound, and Mylee found it easy to use on her own as she recognized when she needed it. Within days, her hand was pain-free, and she was eager to return to her beloved climbing.

This experience opened the door for an important conversation between us. If rock climbing is truly important to her, she needs to prioritize hand care. It’s disheartening to have to take a break from the activities you love due to something as trivial as a callus tear. We discussed how calluses form and how, when they build up too much, the skin beneath can tear, exposing raw flesh. We also talked about how to prevent calluses through regular maintenance, using the SandBar to keep them at bay. Calluses aren’t necessarily bad; in fact, they’re a natural part of sports and signify strength. The key is maintaining them so they don’t hinder our performance. Plus, who doesn’t love soft hands?

Now that Mylee understands the importance of hand care, her routine will include using the SandBar before and after climbing sessions. Applying the salve afterward will help keep her hands smooth and moisturized, allowing her to focus on conquering the climbing wall without the nagging worry of painful rips.

As a CrossFit coach, this experience has made me rethink how I approach hand care with my athletes. Maybe I should start checking in on Bobs hands when he walks into the gym, especially on days filled with pull-up work. After all, we want to avoid any callus tears that could set him back. The same goes for Mylee; her love for climbing deserves to be nurtured without the fear of hand injuries.

Our hands are essential tools in our daily lives. If we are committed to taking care of our bodies through movement, we must also prioritize our hand health. After all, without our hands, so many activities would be impossible. So let me ask you: Are you taking care of your hands today?

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